IIS Master is the e-learning platform developed by I.I.S. Consulting.
The platform includes a series of modules to deliver, via internet or intranet,multimedia courses. The courses can include:
► streaming audio and video management systems;
► testing and verification of learning or self-assessment;
► discussion and interaction support : interactive whiteboard, news groups, forums, mailing lists, livechat, surveys, telephone interactions (VOIP).
IIS Master is multi-language and it can be integrated with ad hoc training tools on and off line.
► designed in ASP mode: the user does not have to worry about managing the dedicated computer system;
► possibility of intranet or extranet Implementation to connect users;
► accessible through any Internet browser; no need for additional software components from the user side.
► Flexibility, Accessibility, Convenience
Users can attend the training when they want and wherever they want. At the same time, is possible to provide time training plan, testing and motivational tools.
► Reduction of space and time barriers
E-learning eliminates the gap and makes education easy accessible to everybody: just an internet connection, using the favorite browser (no need to install additional components). The courses can be "multi language".
► Customization
Courses can be designed as:
- Linear models (rigid and predetermined sequence of lessons
- Tree models (branches of the training, in-depth sections, moments of debate among the participants).
The platform also enables high customization of courses.
► Evaluation of knowledge level and frequency
The learning process is easy to evaluate and it’s possible to focus on critical points.
Furthermore, IIS Master offers a detailed report that allows an effective evaluation of users performances.
► Continuing education
The publication of the courses can last over time to allow users to reviewthe content.
All users can be contacted for updates. The platform allows to delete, edit or enter lessons at any time.
► Widespread contact and low distribution costs
Courses are accessible from any computer anywhere in the world.
► Easy to update
Updating the contents on the server platform, they will be available to all users instantly.
► Saving travel costs
Distance education greatly reduces both the costs of travelling and of organization of seminars and workshops.
The time for the training via the Web is also greatly reduced compared to that required by traditional training.
Each IIS Master Course can be managed with:
► Lessons They constitute the basis of each course. They Include texts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations and animations (audio and video clips).
► Insights. Optional sections allow to go deeper with the most challenging concepts. Usually, they are at the end of the lessons.
► Exercises. A test that can be planned at the end of each lesson. It doesnít represent a definitive assessment. If the result is poor, users can analyze their mistakes and do more exercises.
► Final evaluation test. They give the chance to review all what was learned during the course. At the end, a course certificate is privided.
► Multi-languages. the course can be delivered in the required languages.
IIS Master provides a detailed reporting system for a qualitative and quantitative evaluation.